
Bill Cunningham New York

This is the preview for a documentary about fashion icon Bill Cunningham. Photographing fashion in the streets since the 1940's for the New York Times, Bill's perception of fashion is unlike any other. The film was uplifting, as bill's spirit is infectious (especially for someone over 80 years old!) A must see for all!!!

Peace, Luck, & Love

I first spotted this little gem on the Sartorialist (i think), and saved the picture right away. Obviously I feel that I must have it because those who know me know that I love everything about love... apparently even the word. Just now I found it again while browsing Cupcakes & Cashmere. The good news is I know know who made it!!! The ring is part of Sydney Evan's Peace Luck Love collection. The BAD news is, I now know how much it costs... $825. Sad face! I'll have my eyes peeled for a similar and less expensive version.

Too cute to handle!

images via Pinterest

I mean seriously, look at those precious little faces!
I think I'm in dire need of a cuddley little friend.