
One Word: Overalls

I really feel a trand happening here. Think about it, denim is everything right now and jumpers are becoming more and more popular, it only makes sense that overalls make a comeback! Not that I'm sure they were every actually fashionable, but you get my point. I can see it in my mind and to me, it's a no brainer! A cute pair of slightly distressed medium wash overalls with the legs rolled like you would your favorite pair of boyfriend jeans with cute sandals and your done! I would rock that in a heartbeat and trust me, I'm not that daring in my wardrobe choices. You may disagree with me, but keep an eye out! I bet I'm right :)

This pair of overalls are by 7 for all mankind and are available at Saks 5th Avenue


  1. Ugh! I hope you are wrong about this. I am ashamed to say, I wore them the last time they were in style (although I agree with you, Kate, were they ever really in style?). Take it from me, not easy to manage in a bathroom emergency!

  2. I agree with Amy. But since I wore them the first time, I am not allowed to wear them the second time. Thank Goodness!

  3. I dig the overalls...hope you're right
