
A Rebirth

I've been thinking about blogging again for a long time now. The conflict comes in whether I should start a whole new site or just pick up where I left off- two years ago. I'm a little nostalgic for some of the posts on this page- most notably my trend forecasts for overalls and wedge sneakers, both of which are booming in today's marketplace.

I'm not going to commit to exclusively fashion content or put any limits on what may find its way onto the page.  This is purely a creative outlet and a way for me to record and organize my thoughts and inspirations.

Welcome to Kateland, please visit often.



Wish List

 Draped Wool Coat $68 
Alex and Ani Zodiac Charm Bracelet $24


What a Babe!


James Franco, everyone!


this is why I love London...

You can never have too many high fashion magazines....
Oh look, it's George. Hello beautiful!