
DIY Biker Style

I've been on a bit of a creative kick lately... from rearranging the decor of my home to making handbags and repurposing vintage clothing, it's safe to say I'm on a roll!! My most recent project didn't involve making a purse, but rather embellishing one. My boyfriend's family bought me a handbag for Christmas and as cute as it was, I immediately saw the possibility of improvement.

I wish I would have a taken a "before" picture, but basically I just cut strips of leather from a pair of shorts I bought a local thrift store and pull them through the existing metal rings. With a pair of scissors and a thrift store find I turned a cute bag into an AMAZING bag!!! 


  1. OMG!!! Me likey.


  2. ... looks like something you'd buy in the early to mid 70'S AWESOME! Uncle Greg
